Monday, March 2, 2009

slouchy baret, or hipster yamika?

I'm not completely sure how big of a trend the slouchy barets are any where else in the world, but I know that I started wearing them two years ago and stopped wearing them as soon as I started seeing them on the head of every hipster in the bi-state area.

It's like religious garb for the music scene here, and to be honest they have seen their final day, I would be embarrased to be caught dead looking like the clone of the person standing in line next to me waiting for some Jack's Manniquine tickets.

the same goes for leather bomber jackets, EVERYBODY has one and for the winter season here it seems to be the uniform of many, fake leather bomber jacket, colored skinny jeans and some graphic tee stating one's personal political view, global warming slogans and or both. Add the hipster yamika and some

1 comment:

  1. im a big fan of the slouchy baret on girls lol im a sucker .
    You should watch some of the fashion trends in hardcore kids.
    originality is dead and has been dead for a long time
